
Birdwatching HotSpot!

Bring your binoculars for amazing birdwatching! There are 263 species of birds recorded in Morongo Valley!

While at Panorama Pass, take time to visit Big Morongo Canyon Preserve. The Preserve is an internationally-recognized birding site. Several rare or unusual species are known to nest here, and many other species are abundant during the spring and fall migration seasons. Explore on your own, or take a bird walk, or a group hike to experience the unique terrain, boardwalks through the marsh, and abundant wildlife, learn more -  Big Morongo Canyon Birdwatching

The Big Morongo Preserve has been designated as one of the United States’s Important Bird Areas by the American Bird Conservancy, the American Birding Association, and Watchable Wildlife National Program, and is featured in the National Geographic Guide to Birdwatching Sites.

Enjoy a few photos taken this Spring at the Preserve and other places throughout Panorama Pass.

Baby owl
Western Tanager
Momma Owl
Summer Tanager
Young Black headed Grossbeak
Momma Hawk
House FInch
Momma and her nest